Swapping Firmwares
If you own either a Slight of Hand or Arp of Darkness you can easily swap firmware with our web firmware up-loader essentially giving you two modules in one. And that's a good thing, because there are more firmware in the works right now for you to explore soon!
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'Slight Of Hand'
V1.5.3 Updated: 08/10/2024
This is a firmware upload for the arduino-based module Slight Of Hand.
- This patch optimizes EEPROM usage by detecting and converting the existing calibration data from float to integer. This opens up more space in the EEPROM for upcoming firmwares to use for data storage.
- This patch also officially releases the firmware as an open source starter template for those who wish to develop their own firmware for the Nocturne Alchemy Platform. Documentation and code available here: Slight Of Hand GitHub Repository
- This firmware can be installed on any module that is a part of the Nocturne Alchemy Platrorm.
- Firmware v1.5.3 User Manual (With Firmware Flashing Instructions)
V1.5.2 Updated: 06/10/2024
- This patch changes the claibration entry proceedure to match other Nocturne Alchemy modules, enforcing a standard across the platform to enhance user expereience.
'Arp Of Darkness'
V1.3.1 Updated: 09/09/2024
This is a firmware upload for the arduino-based Arp Of Darkness.
New Features
- Golden Ratio Playback Mode - Introduces a unique, evolving sequence based on the Golden Ratio (φ) and creates patterns that are both structured and unpredictable
- Direct Playback Mode Selection (Immediate)- Directly change playback mode (Immediately) activated by long-pressing Octave Down + mode selection key
- Direct Playback Mode Selection (Queued) - Schedule mode changes for the next sequence cycle activated by long-pressing Octave Up + mode selection key
- Immediate reset: Instantly jump to the first note (Octave Down + High C)
- Queued reset: Reset on the next incoming gate (Octave Up + High C)
Fixes & Enhancements
- Improved timing and responsiveness for all playback modes
- Enhanced stability and resource management
- Fixed bug that cold pre-fill buffer on some devices
- Optimized long-press actions for more intuitive control
- Firmware 1.3.1 User Manual (With Firmware Flashing Instructions)
V1.3.0 Updated: 08/10/2024
- This patch optimizes EEPROM usage by detecting and converting the existing calibration data from float to integer. This opens up more space in the EEPROM for upcoming firmwares to use for data storage.
- This patch also addresses the "hesitation" that some users experienced when simultaniously pressing the octave up and octave down buttons in order to cycle through playback modes. Now the user simply taps the octave up and octave down buttons at the same time, and the playback mode will cycle to the next mode on completion of the current buffer, creating a more predictable user experience.
- This firmware can be installed on any module that is a part of the Nocturne Alchemy Platrorm.
V1.1.0 Updated: 07/15/2024
- This patch addresses an issue that some users encountered when clocking the Arp Of Darkness at lower BPM with a longer gate. This combination could cause clock & timing inconsistencies, clock-swing, and in some rare cases unexpected, inter-dimensional, time travel. (Sorry James! Glad you got home safely!)
'Seventh Summoner'
- V1.0.0 Updated: 12/29/2024
- This is a the first public firmware for the Seventh Summoner.
- Four octaves of control from C0 to C4
- Six 32-note sequences
- 16-step Summoner Sequence to chain and manipulate the six normal sequences
- Five playback modes (Forward, Backward, Pingpong, Golden Ratio and Random) with direct select, (queued & immediate) and reset
- EEPROM Storage for saving of all sequence data
- Clock input and CV out calibrated to 1V/0
- Calibration mode with tuning for each note across 4 octaves (Comes pre-calibrated)